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Hi! I’m Anna. Product Designer and Researcher
I delve into human behavior to design solutions that enhance users’ lives. I foster collaborative, supportive work environment, and productive communication. Inspired by humans, data, products and technology.
View product work Design process

Some of my work is password protected. Contact me to see more.

  • CVS Health

    Enhancing patient’s pre-registration
    for improved CVS Health MinuteClinic patient’s experience

    The design process for developing a platform enabling patients to pre-register from personal devices aimed to ensure a seamless visit to MinuteClinic. Collaborating closely with various stakeholders, we collectively crafted an experience that prioritizes empathy for the millions of individuals relying on MinuteClinic’s medical services.

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  • CVS Health – Services

    Revitalize the Services section of the CVS Health MinuteClinic website

    I led the redesign strategy while collaborating with UX team, SEO team, marketing and other crucial stakeholders, that aligned with a newly updated site taxonomy, SEO optimization, brand enhancement and boosted accessibility. 

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  • Embrace Home Loans

    Applying for a home loan – transforming frustration into efficiency

    As a UX/UI designer, I took charge of the redesign of the online mortgage application for Embrace Home Loans. My primary objective was to streamline the loan initiation process for both home buyers and loan officers. To achieve this, I focused on enhancing the user experience and increasing online conversions. The end result was an 80% increase in online user engagement and overall satisfaction.

    View home loans project
  • Happy Nest

    Revolutionizing Laundry:
    B2B product for laundry pickups scheduling and management.

    As the lead UX/UI designer and a Chief Creative Officer at Happy Nest, a startup that connects laundromat owners with a new Saas business model, I took charge of the UX/UI design of various platforms. This included designing the marketing website, scheduling application, and customer account. Additionally, I played a key role in developing the business pitch documents and branding.

    View laundry project
  • HSBC dev portal

    Developer portal enabled 3rd party payment providers to integrate bank’s APIs into their solutions

    As a UX/UI Lead I contributed to the bank’s initiative to comply with PSD2 directive which promotes innovation, competition, and efficiency in the European financial market while increasing electronic payment security. UX/UI design for HSBC’s developer portal implementation enabled external organizations (such as FinTechs) to integrate APIs into their solutions . I collaborated within a multidisciplinary global team using agile practices, with distributed team members in Cracow, Hong Kong and London. We successfully  launched the developer portal ahead of the deadline, enabling the bank to comply with regulations and avoid fees.

  • J&J One Access Portal

    Redesign of the Johnson & Johnson One Access portal to enable external users to log in to all their authorized applications using a single set of credentials

    My design approach began with conducting user testing to establish benchmarks based on the legacy design, which informed subsequent design decisions. Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with product and development teams to create and refine wireframes. Following this, I produced and handed over high-fidelity designs. We then retested these new designs using a Figma prototype, ensuring they met our usability standards. 

Product design is a non-linear, iterative process and a constant journey of improvement and adaptation

Steps I might take to facilitate a project:

Discovery: This involves understanding the project/business goals, competitive landscape, and target audience: their needs, behaviors, and any constraints.

Effective communication processes with stakeholders: Ensure everyone is on the same page and can easily communicate with each other, which helps with transparency and a buy-in from stakeholders.

Research: Conduct the necessary research to gather information about the target audience and their needs. Methods vary depending on project needs: interviews, surveys, contextual inquiry… 

Concept Development/ UX strategy: Develop a concept for the design, taking into account the information gathered during research, alignment with other stakeholders like architecture, dev teams, legal teams, and other relevant teams that depend on the success of this project. Produce early diagrams or other files supporting strategy

Prototyping: Create low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototypes to test and refine the concept.

Testing: Conduct user testing to gather feedback and make improvements to the design on low-fidelity prototypes.

Design: Create high-fidelity designs for the solution, including wireframes, mockups, and prototypes.

Presentation and reports: Create presentations, reports and present them to stakeholders and management.

Implementation: Work with development teams to ensure the design is implemented as intended or adjust details in order to meet production limitations in a graceful way.

Iterative evaluation and design: Continuously evaluate the design and make changes based on user feedback, analytics, and business goals.

The specific steps may vary depending on the complexity of the project and the preferences of the UX & product stakeholders.

Areas of focus:

  • User Experience Design
  • Research & User Testing
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Negotiation
  • Facilitation
  • Design thinking
  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Inclusive, Accessible Design and Development
  • Visual Design

I am deeply passionate about enhancing and optimizing collaborative work processes, fostering open and constructive communication, and facilitating productive brainstorming sessions with diverse stakeholders.
My goal is to continuously refine our team’s approach to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and we achieve our objectives efficiently and effectively.

View examples of collaboration and facilitation I led or co-led in the past.